Week Four
Welcome back, fellow travellers and well done.
A quick reminder: we are aiming to raise funds for Kamili Organisation in Kenya, so please donate. If you are reading this and enjoying it and haven’t yet made a donation, may I gently prick your conscience and ask you to stump up the cash? Thank you.
We have had some very generous donations – thank you so much! If you do make a donation, please drop me an email so that I keep track. I receive feedback from Bread & Water, but some donations are not linked to a team.
Last week found me in Heraklion. The answers to the other questions are: Lions; Knossos; Minos; Theseus; Minotaur; Icarus; Snakes. Loads of got all of those right, so well done.
Top teams: A new leader! 1: The Travelling Willesleys; 2: Shaw to Shore; 3: The Flying Breadboards; 4: The Wood Folk. The margins are very narrow!!
Here is Week Four …
Oh I do like to be beside the seaside. This is a Very Nice Place, or Very Near(ly) Nice. The Bubblecraft has decided to land on water, which is a novel experience, so I swim between the luxury yachts that are moored here, climb out of the water and up into some ramparts. I dry off in the sun while sitting next to a chap who is staring out to sea. He seems to be made from scrap metal and I can see right through him to the town. He marks the place near where a famous diver built his equally famous boat. I can hear a steel band, how apt, so I wander off. This town is renowned for its street music and the steel band is not alone. I wander through a covered market, full of delicious local produce, some of which I sample. I pass a bar that takes its name from a drink, once banned, that is made from wormwood. I move on – it’s an acquired taste. I head towards the sea, onto the ramparts, and pop in to a museum dedicated to an artist who, like so many, was lured to this part of the world by its wonderful light. I retrace my steps and carry on, through the narrow streets and tree-lined squares. I end up at a fort with an unusual shape, the location for a James Bond enemy’s lair in a film that was Broccoli-free. I see the Bubblecraft floating on the azure water. The tide is going out! Time to leave!
1. Where am I?
2. What is the name of the statue that looks out to sea?
3. What was the name of the famous boat?
4. What is the name of the market?
5. To which once-banned drink did I refer?
6. Who was the artist?
7. What is the shape of the fort?
8. Which Bond movie was partly filmed here?