Week Four
Hello to the 39 Teams and Hello to my fellow wanderers and welcome to Week Four. Week Three produced a swathe of correct answers. I hope that you managed to unearth some interesting facts along the way and had the chance to delve a bit deeper into the culture, history and mythology of my destination.
Thank you for your generous donations. Please spread the word!
Here are last week’s answers: 1: Sevastopol (or Sebastopol); 2: Black Sea; 3: (Franz) Roubaud; 4: Balaclava; 5: Tennyson; 5: Sunken Ships
Leader Boards:
Teams Still on Maximum Points: Bertie's Sidekicks; Faulty Undercarriage; Fox Moth; Indefinitely Grounded; Kenya Give Us a Clue; Rambling Stoics; The Flying Breadboards; The Glens Folk; The Intrepid Aldronians; The Travelling Willesburys; Wandering Warthogs; Wolverines; Wood Folk; Woodton Wanderers
Scores multiplied by donations: 1: Kenya Give Us a Clue; 2: The Travelling Willesburys; 3: Shaw to Shore; 4: The Flying Breadboards; 5: Fox Moth; 6: Jejosa Selita- Cool Beanies!!; 7: The Glens Folk; 8: Marge's Marvels; 9: Wood Folk; 10: Laughing Stock
Well done, everyone!
So, here is my diary entry for Week Four of my travels:
My Bubblecraft has landed – where? It makes me a while to work this out. The Garden of Eden? Possibly but not quite. I have almost been across the Roof of the World – I certainly had some spectacular views of the most mighty of mountain ranges on my journey but now I am back down to earth and the stadium in which I am standing is eerily quiet. That would not be the case if it were filled to its 80,000 capacity. Might I see David Hasselhoff here? No – wrong sort of Knight Rider! Although people have been living in this city for over 2,000 years, it was not until the 17th Century and the arrival of a foreign company that it sprang to world-wide prominence. Now home to some 4.5 million people, the city is a state capital and the third largest in the country. Crossing the city’s river are four bridges, one of which is named after an Irishwoman who gave her all to India, founding schools and nursing people, during a plague. I don’t have time to venture out which is a shame as there is so much that I could see. But now the gates are opening and the crowds will soon be streaming in so I must slip back in the Bubblecraft and let it take me where it will.
Where am I?
Which mountain range did I see?
What is the name of the stadium?
What is the name of the foreign company?
What is the name of the river?
What name was given to the Irishwoman?
Answer the questions and send your answers by email to me before 17:00 GMT on Wednesday November 25th at:
The subject of the email should be your name and the number of the week.
The text of the email should contain your name and the answers.
For example:
You are sending the answers to Week One and your team name is The Frequent Flyers.
Subject: Frequent Flyers Week 1
Frequent Flyers
1: Your answer
2: Your answer
et cetera ...