Week Five
Welcome back and welcome to the fifth week of my travels.
Last week, I was in the lovely port of Antibes. The other answers are: Le Nomade; Calypso; Marche Provencal; Absinthe; Picasso; Star shaped; Never Say Never Again.
Once again, lots of people managed to find all 8 correct answers. I need to set the bar a little higher! Maybe not this week but possibly the next. We shall see.
Here are the top 5 teams at the moment: 1: The Travelling Willesleys; 2: Shaw to Shore; 3: The Flying Breadboards; 4: The Wood Folk; 5: The Rambling Stoics.
Between you, you have managed to raise just over 150,000 Kenya Shillings, so very well done and thank you.
And now for Week Five …
I am in a Kingdom. Not a very big one and a cold, wet and windy one, but a Kingdom all the same. The Bubblecraft has landed on smooth, manicured grass so I roll it away. I wouldn’t want it to interfere with the game that is played here. “Play the course as you find it and play the ball as it lies”. That’s what the rules say and they are kept and made here. Avoiding flying balls and people sporting interestingly checked clothing, I make my way into town. The folk here have just been celebrating the local Saint’s day. Poor chap was crucified and legend has it that a white cross appeared against the blue sky before a particularly crucial battle, which gave rise to the country’s flag. It is said that the cross can prevent unwanted visitors coming down one’s chimney. I wander through the busy streets and wonder that so much can be packed into such a small space. There’s a university famed for many things not least of which are its alumni: a recent duke and duchess in particular. There’s a long-ruined cathedral and I stop to have a quick look before heading through a gate (it’s not called a gate here) and find myself beside the sea. Time for me to hustle back to the Bubblecraft.
1. In which Kingdom am I?
2. In which town am I?
3. What is the game?
4. What is name of the Club?
5. What is the name of the flag?
6. Which King reputedly saw the flag before battle?
7. Which Duke recently studied here?
8. What is the name given to the town’s gates?