My journey is over and I must say that coming back to the warmth of East Africa after a distinctly chilly few days in Boston and then in the Arctic is most welcome!
I hope that you enjoyed the journey! I had a lot of fun putting it all together and I should thank the good people at Google for their maps and for street view, as well as Wikipedia and other sources of information. I have in reality been to Nairobi, Zanzibar and Windsor so could only use first-hand information for those places. (And Boston as well but that was after dark, mostly underground and on a bus full of children going on a ski trip so my knowledge of Boston is a little limited).
I don’t know where the idea for the Bubblecraft came from – some deep recess of my mind – but it is a strange coincidence that the word “bubble” has now taken on a new and sadly familiar meaning to many of you. I hope that the virtual travel has taken you out of your various bubbles albeit at second hand.
So this is me signing off and sending you all many thanks and hearty congratulations. I might be taking to the air again in 2021 – we shall see. If you have any ideas as to how I could make it more interactive, interesting, user-friendly or just better, please let me know. If you’d like to help I’d love to hear from you!
And as for a prize … Well, we didn’t find a sponsor (I was hoping for a Champagne producer!) so your prize is a warm feeling of achievement for answering questions and making people’s lives better in more ways than you can imagine.
Thank you!
The Bubblecraft pilot AKA Robert Blake
As you all managed to discover, I was in Zanzibar. Here is the final set of answers:
Zanzibar; Apollo 13; Stone Town; Cloves; Freddy Mercury; They are upside down; The House of Wonders (Palace of Wonders; Beit-al-Ajaib); (Percy Bysshe) Shelley
And finally: 58,146 km. The Intrepid Aldronians managed to get this exactly right which was very impressive and three other teams were within 10 km. Bertie’s Sidekicks have produced a wonderful map of the journey, which you can see at:
Here are the final Top Twenty placings.
Positions on Total Points Scored - but please bear in mind that many teams did not finish the journey or missed a week or two. Those in first equal place managed to answer every question correctly.
1=: Indefinitely Grounded; Kenya Give Us a Clue; The Flying Breadboards; The Intrepid Aldronians; 5=: Bertie's Sidekicks; The Glens Folk; Wood Folk; 8=: Evenly Two; Fox Moth; Jejosa Selita- Cool Beanies!!; Shastonians; 12: Marge's Marvels; 13: Crying Rhys; 14: Mighty Mambas; 15: Woodton Wanderers; 16: The MG Muskateers; 17: The Barbecues; 18=: Pundamalia Down Under; Team Mango; 20=: Shaw to Shore; The Travelling Willesburys
And the final placings based on points scored times donations received are:
1: Kenya Give Us a Clue; 2: Bertie's Sidekicks; 3: The Flying Breadboards; 4: The Intrepid Aldronians; 5: Crying Rhys; 6: Rambling Stoics; 7: Shaw to Shore; 8: Fox Moth; 9: The Travelling Willesburys; 10: Wood Folk; 11: Ras Kitoka; 12: Jejosa Selita- Cool Beanies!!; 13: The Barbecues; 14: Marge's Marvels; 15: The Glens Folk; 16: Indefinitely Grounded; 17: Woodton Wanderers; 18: Evenly Two; 19: The MG Muskateers; 20: Mighty Mambas
Well done everyone and thank you SO much!